Saturday, March 4, 2017

WSO2 Data Analytics Server 3.1.0 : How to apply your own custom theme for per dashboard

In Data Analytics server we can deploy a custom theme using a carbon archive file. so we can select a custom theme for each dashboard out of these deployed custom themes. (If we don’t want a custom theme, can use the default theme)

Here in this post I will provide high level instructions for change the look and feel of Dashboards.

When you are Log into the Analytics Dashboard and opens create dashboard icon you will navigate to create dashboard page. In there you will see a option call “theme”(figure 1.0) you will notice there are no options default theme is the only available theme, but when you create your own themes you could able to see those themes in there and can apply them accordingly when you are about to create dashboard.

Figure 1.0
Please note through this feature, you are allowed to add a custom theme only for the view of the dashboard. you can add your own script files, template files and styles to customize the view of a particular dashboard accordingly.

Here are the steps that you have to carry out 

Step 01

Create a custom theme file
When it is a creating custom theme you need to maintain folder structure as follows(figure 2.0).

figure 2.0

You might be confused where could I find these jaggery files J  no worries  You can find the JavaScript files by navigating through

 <DAS-HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/portal/ js

jaggery files(.jag files) you can find on location of 



‘css’ folder can contain any style sheets with the extension of .css. But the ‘js’ and ‘template’ folders should contain the file naming as defined in the above structure.

Step 02

As I mentioned in above step you have to create custom them file (According to my example i named it as “custom_theme”) according  to your requirement  and from that folder you need to create car file since custom theme file should be create as a carbon archive file which has the extension of .car.
While you creating the car file. you have to create car file manually (for creating car file in DAS server there is official documentation published by WSO2 you can find it here )

Please make sure to change the artifact type of the theme define as ‘dashboards/theme’. For example, the artifact.xml file for a custom theme is as follows.

<artifact name="custom_theme" version="1.0.0" type="carbon/application">
<dependency artifact="car" version="1.0.0" include="true" serverRole="DataAnalyticsServer"/>

 Step 03

Once you have created the carbon archive file for a custom theme successfully, you can deploy it through the carbon application deployer in admin console. To do that Log in to WSO2 DAS management console using admin/admin credentials.

figure 3.0
Click Main, and then click Add in the Carbon Applications menu Click Choose File and select the .car file that you created and upload.

 Step 04

Then navigate to the <IP address:port>/portal/dashboards and At the creation of a dashboard, the user can select the default or custom theme for that dashboard

figure 4.0
you can also change the theme of a dashboard, from the settings view of that dashboard. Once you select the new theme from the dropdown list, click save button to save the changes, Once you select or change the theme of a dashboard, you can use the dashboard view to see a preview of the final dashboard